
The First Two Weeks

So the first two weeks, hmm, interesting I would say. I’m finally comfortable finding my classes. By ‘comfortable’ I mean I recently learned I don’t have to wait fifteen minutes for the bus to get to the Bio- Sciences building. That’s nice to know considering I was late every day. What has really surprised me the most is how trully uneventful the parties have been. Maybe it’s that fact that no one knows eachother but honestly, it makes me wish I was back in highschool. Whoever said college is the best years of your life didn’t go to my highschool. Okay, I sound cynical and yeah, its been great meeting new people and learning a new city but I had no problem with the people I knew and the city I knew. There is no more just ‘getting by’ now. It’s actually time to work and learn and that is exactly what I like about being here at USF. I’m ready to open my mind and learn more in four years than I have in my eighteen. That’s what I’m here for. Unfortunately, I don’t think that’s what my room mate had in mind. It has been incredibly frustrating working (as I’m doing at the moment) with MTV constantly playing in the background. I guess I’m impatient but you would be too with a six foot, Russian, chatter-box as your room mate. Let me just reiterate, this room is anything but quiet. But undoubtably, this is all part of the acclamation process.

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